Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Update: Week 3

Hi Everybody,

Looks like I survived another week of work (2 weeks down), my first reports presentation (yes!), and another false prophet's prediction (was expecting this one).  All in all, I really enjoy my new job.  I especially like it because it's been such a serious reminder of the Lord's grace in my life.  He helped me to get the job, He's given me the energy to wake up and be on-time everyday (not used to waking up this early) and He's also helped me get through my first big hurdle, report presentation #1.  Time has been short as a result, but I hope to make the most of what little free time I have.  I've been reading a book (click here) right before I eat lunch to set my mind on eternal things.  I highly recommend it, check it out!  Anyways, I'm in the process of preparing for RP #2 (report presentation) and greatly welcome any of your prayers.  They are much appreciated, thanks so much to those of you who have lifted petitions on my behalf.  Hasta luego... until tomorrow =P

Tomorrow, I'm going to be hosting a nice quality picture tour of my workplace so stay tuned folks!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Desk + Full Day Of Class

Here's the picture of my desk that I promised yesterday.

Sorry for the blurry picture, I had to take it with my camera phone because I left my legit one at home.  As you can see, I started to move in a little bit by taping some pictures here and there.  My team consists of 6 new recruits and we are going to be training until information is dripping out our ears.

Today was a full day of class.  Got in the office at 7, began class at 8 and went until 4 with a lunch break in between.  We covered financial industry fundamentals all day and now I'm trying to review before tomorrow's quiz.  I spent the my lunch break studying and eating a delicious lunch packed by wifey.  It was fried rice + sandwich + home-made cookies + oranges + baked onion rings.  There was a bit too much, but I ate it all while chilling with a co-worker. 

Tomorrow is our first quiz... MUST pass.  Going to study hard tonight (got 40+ pages of material to cover) and then get some rest, could use your prayers that I would pass.  How was your day?

Monday, May 9, 2011

First Day at Advent

I finally am home after spending the past 8.5 hours at Advent.  Though they say the strenuous training is yet to begin... I already feel severely inadequate for the job.  I guess if I make it through, it's truly by God's grace alone because it's very clear that this stuff will be over my head.  All the people were really nice though and I'm excited to see what'll happen and if I can survive the next 8 weeks.

The day started off with a bunch of orientation stuff and a tour of the floor.  Then we had a free lunch with a bunch of managers.  The menu was solid and the managers were friendly.  Afterward, we got some down time to familiarize ourselves with our desks and get logged into our computers.  Next was the benefits overview (I'll spare you the exciting details).  However, one cool thing is I can earn money for exercising and trying to be healthy!  That's pretty cool huh?  We ended with a session on training expectations.  Basically, I'll be eating, breathing, and dreaming Advent for the next 8 weeks.

I'll try to post pictures of my desk tomorrow and the building at least.  Will be bringing some pictures of precious people to place on my workstation so that I have nice stuff to look at =).  Really missed people today, especially my students, friends, and wife.  Wonder how CCS went today, hope I can figure out a way to visit with all the craziness of studying.

If you have the time, please pray for me.  I really need it.  Feel free to comment with how your day went, I'd really like to hear.  God has provided and there is much work to be done.  Exciting times ahead for the Woo family... till tomorrow readers!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Little Faith In a Great Savior Saves

Overarching Theme from Matthew 8 is Power and Authority
1.       Jesus’ authority over nature (23-27)
2.       Jesus’ authority over demons (28-34)

Disciples get into a boat (23-24)

                Jesus gets into a boat and His disciples follow.  There is no specification as to who the “disciples” are that followed Jesus onto the boat… but in 1986, a first-century boat was recovered from the mud along the shore of the Lake of Galilee.  This boat was 8.2 by 2.35 meters wide.  If this is indicative of normal fishing boats at that time… it would seem to suggest that the boat would be overcrowded with more than 13 people, but this we cannot be certain of.  The Lake of Galilee is over 600 ft below sea-level and the hills surrounding it can be as high as 2000 ft.  At 2000 ft, the air gets pretty cold… however directly around the sea, it is semi-tropical with warm moist air.  This great change in height results in large temperature and pressure changes will lead to sudden violent storms when the different air masses meet.

Jesus was sleeping (24)

                Jesus is asleep.  What does that tell us?  That Jesus was tired, which means Jesus needs rest, which means… Jesus was exerting energy, which means… Jesus is a man.  He is actually man. 
                  John 1:14 – “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us
Philippians 2:7 – “emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, being made in the likeness of men.  Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
                Let’s not lightly pass over this fact… if Jesus did not become man, then He would not die.  Everything else He could do as God… except for one thing, die.  If He could not die, then there would be no sacrifice on the cross for our sins.  Jesus had to become man to die for man… and this is  clear evidence that He did.  Not only is it clearly declared through Scripture in those verses I just read to you… it’s clearly demonstrated in the life He lived on earth.  He was asleep!  Thank You Jesus that You became man so that you could die on the cross for our sins.

Men of little faith (25)

                The disciples were afraid.  They woke Jesus and pleaded with Him to save them.  They recognized they were helpless… and pleaded with the only One in their estimation who could save them.  Their weak, little faith does not protect them in this storm.  They have forgotten about God’s sovereign care over them.  God always provides, yet in their moment of weakness… they react as if God has forgotten about them.  They panic.  They doubted. 
                James 1:6 – “the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.”
Are we like these disciples, like the immature described in Ephesians 4:14 who are “tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine.”  When something unexpected comes our way, when others try to convince us of something contrary to what Scripture says… are we shaken?  Those with little faith are.

Little faith is better than no faith

                However, at the same time… despite how small their faith was, their little faith was properly placed in the One who could save them.  Save us Lord; we are perishing!”  They pleaded with Jesus, the only One who could save the perishing.  Though immature, though in doubt, though little in faith… the disciples recognized their helplessness and turned to, trusted in, pleaded with the One who was able to save them.  They turned to Jesus.  Save Lord, we are perishing!

Little faith leads to fear (26)

                Jesus quickly rebukes them.  Why are you afraid?” He says.  What Jesus says here is similar to what He said in Matthew 6:30 to those who worried about their lives… what they would eat, drink, or wear.  Why worry?  God always provides.  That’s what happens when your faith is small… little faith leads to consuming concern for this present life.  However, greater faith seeks first God’s kingdom and His righteousness.  That is spiritual maturity… it is eternal kingdom perspective… not temporary world perspective.  That is what the people of God ought to strive for, growing in faith… concerning for God’s kingdom and His righteousness first… standing firm and trusting in God, rather than panicking and forgetting about God’s care.

Faith leads to salvation (27)

                Yet, Jesus also quickly saves them.  Little faith is completely different from no faith because with no faith, there is no hope… but little faith in a great Savior saves.  However small the disciples’ faith… they put all of it in Jesus and by His power, they are saved.  Let that be an encouragement to us who are weak… though our faith be small, our Savior is great and powerful to save.