28-29: When Jesus had finished these words, the crowds were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes.
The Importance of the Preacher
The goal of teachers everywhere is to help their students to see the importance of what they are teaching. A teacher is made relevant by the content of his or her teaching. With all other teachers that the world has ever known, the important thing is the teaching; but in the gospels is a case in which the Teacher is more important… even than what He taught. In the past couple of chapters, we have been confronted with the high standards and requirements of the sermon on the mount. God’s standard is perfection and He does not just demand an exterior adherence to His commands, but an inward obedience of the heart. It’s not enough just to not murder, you mustn’t get angry. He also doesn’t just demand that we know Him, He must know us. His standards are so high that no one is justified by keeping His law, and so we must turn to something else... we need to have faith in Jesus. However, all that this Teacher has to say, is of secondary importance compared to who He is. Who is this man who speaks with such authority? Who is this man? We’ve studied the teachings of the Preacher… but we’ve missed the point if we don’t know the Person of the Preacher.
The Context of the Teachers of the Law
The established teachers of the Law were the scribes and Pharisees. They were known as the experts of the Law and their teachings were heavily drenched in tradition. They were the separated ones and were viewed as the loyal ones to God. They were extremists, devoted to certain parts of the Law who emphasized strict interpretation of the Law and emphasized even stricter observance of it. If anyone was righteous in God’s sight, it was them. They set the standard with their religious activities, praying in public, giving to the poor in public, fasting publicly. But this man was different. The scribes received their authority from the Law. It was not their own, however this man was speaking with authority. He was not merely someone who copied and translated the Law… He actually clarified and in a sense, added to the Law. He spoke as authoritatively as God’s Law. He taught as if He was God Himself. Who is this man?
Instead of Being Amazed, the Crowds Needed to Believe
The people were amazed. They were struck with astonishment at His teaching, but unlike the disciples… they missed the person of the preacher. They listened to His every word in the hopes of finding some flaw… what He was teaching and doing was the focus. However, they should’ve been asking this question instead, who is this Man? They came to hear Jesus’ teachings and followed Him as He accomplished miracles… but they did not hear Jesus’ point and did not follow Him as Savior. It’s not enough just to be amazed… just after preaching this sermon, Jesus came down from the mountain and large crowds followed Him. They were miracle seekers, but not Jesus followers and they eventually found their way to destruction. They needed to believe in the Lord Jesus to be saved (Acts 16:31) but they were just amazed spectators.
The Focus of His Teaching
All along, the attention of the people needed to be on Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the One with all authority, the Savior. It was the same with His teaching. Let’s glance back to the beatitudes for a second. The key to God’s kingdom ultimately did not lie in simply being poor in spirit… the poor in spirit inherit the kingdom of heaven because in realizing one’s spiritual inadequacy, one must turn to Jesus to find genuine righteousness. Those who mourn are only truly comforted when they find their comfort in Jesus. As you skim throughout the sermon on the Mount and throughout the whole of Scripture… you will miss the point if it does not point you to Christ.
Who Are You Following?
The people of the region of Capernaum were following a miracle worker. That was who Jesus was to them. Who is this man to you? Scripture speaks of Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29)… the Christ – the Messiah, the Anointed One of God (Matthew 16:16) who fulfills the roles of prophet priest and king… He’s the Word who was there from the very beginning and through which all things came into being (John 1:30)… He’s the only name under heaven that has been given by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12)… He’s the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)… He’s God Himself. The reason He taught as One having authority was because He was God Himself. He was much more than a miracle worker. Who is this man to you? Are you simply amazed at the great things He did and the great truths He taught? The crowds missed the point, they missed the Person of the Preacher…
Jesus said this.
John 5:39 – “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me.”
There is no life apart from Jesus Christ. There is no righteousness apart from Jesus Christ. There is no goodness apart from Jesus Christ. There is no kingdom of heaven apart from Jesus Christ. Make sure you know and follow Jesus Christ.